The Attendance Booster - Why Service Learning Brings Students Back to Class

By Ryan Sparzak, Executive Director

group of students

“THEY ALL SHOULD GO VIRTUAL! Three days at home, two days in to socialize!" I was in an Uber recently, and that was my driver's solution to the drop in school attendance and student engagement.

Getting students to show up and engage at school is not a new challenge; however, since the pandemic, the challenge has become even more significant. After talking to educators and school leaders over the past year, many students have struggled to re-engage with in-person school after months (or years) of online learning. Perhaps it’s not the silver bullet, but we have seen, and studies support, that service learning can boost student engagement and make school way more meaningful in the process.

Why students arent showing up

The pandemic disrupted schooling, and its effects linger. Many students formed new habits during online learning that led to increased absences. A key issue is disconnection; returning to in-person classes feels less engaging because most work is now on a laptop or device. Motivation is also a challenge, as students struggle to adjust from the flexibility of online learning to structured classrooms. This transition is hard for those who thrived in self-paced environments. Mental health struggles and anxiety, worsened by the pandemic, add to the pressure, making crowded classrooms feel overwhelming. Many students question the relevance of their education after learning independently for so long. If they don’t see how lessons apply to their lives, they may lack motivation to attend regularly.

How Service Learning Addresses These Challenges

Service learning tackles these attendance issues head-on by making school a place of connection, relevance, and purpose.

It Gives Schools a Purpose Beyond Tests

For many students, school has felt like an endless cycle of in-class or online lectures followed by disconnected assignments. Service learning flips the script by connecting school to real-world problems. When students tackle issues they care about—like reducing food waste, addressing homelessness, or supporting mental health—they see the value of showing up. For instance, a service learning program involving students in a community garden project teaches them about sustainability and gives them a reason to be present at school. Their education becomes a tool for making a difference, not just something to endure.

Rebuilding Social Connections

One challenge of device-based learning is isolation, but service learning fosters collaboration and teamwork, helping students rebuild essential social connections. Working together on projects like fundraisers or recycling programs instills a sense of belonging.

Engaging Learning Experiences

Service learning reintroduces hands-on activities. Engaging in projects such as community gardens or wellness fairs excites schools, leading to improved attendance.

Building Confidence

Service learning helps students rediscover their strengths by witnessing the positive impact of their efforts, like delivering meals or mentoring peers. This boosts their confidence and participation.

Attendance + Service Learning = Win-Win

At Global Doing Good, we've seen service learning transform the school experience. Students feel empowered and emotionally invested, making it an effective solution for attendance challenges and a way to help students make an incredibly positive difference in their communities. These outcomes likely wouldn’t happen if they stayed home all week.

Join us in supporting future initiatives that inspire students to more meaningfully engage in their schools and communities.